Monday, 21 October 2013

[TinySHell] Ported to SCTP

You may have seen, a while ago, my post on SCTP reverse shells.

I realized quite quickly that I should definately do some more research in this direction, and hence ported one of my favourite Unix backdoors (which uses a TCP connection) to use a SCTP connection instead. This backdoor allows for a remote PTY, file upload, and file download. It also is encrypted connection.

The backdoor in question is ‘TinySHell’ by the inestimable Christophe Devine (who left quite a legacy of code, which I may start to maintain as he appears to have vanished. Chris, if you are out there, get in touch or something! Love your work!). I spent a short while examining the code, then quickly patched it up to replace all the TCP stuff with SCTP stuff. I imagine I could easily alter it to do UDP, and might try that later.

Anyways, without further ado, here is the code. Again, all credit to Chris, all I did was modify it!

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